Our Partnership with the association RUE

Amalric Veret, Head of Pronutri Laboratories
“Our laboratories are specialized in research and development of food supplements based on a know-how in molecular information control. Our work is focused on the formulation and specific assembly of active ingredients using a proprietary method. We have been present in France and abroad for more than 20 years. »
A Laboratory-Company Partnership at the Service of Innovation
“For several years, we have been listening to the possibilities of having a laboratory capable of cooperating on cutting-edge developments. We contacted several professional counters, including the UPE06 and, through the latter, we became aware of the RUE system (system carried by the association Recherche et Avenir). RUE allowed us to highlight a set of development projects that we wanted to initiate. Among the different avenues mentioned, the actors of the system came back to us with relevant contacts from public organizations. »
Laurent Counillon, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, is in charge of a research team in the Molecular Physio-Medicine Laboratory. This is a joint laboratory between the CNRS and the university, which is located at the Faculty of Medicine of Nice.
“I wanted to pursue a project we had initiated on the side effects of cysplatin, an anti-cancer agent for which we had obtained results that seemed original at the time. This project had given interesting results, first of all on an academic level but which also made us think of more important potential applications. The problem we had was that we had neither the availability nor the connections to find a company interested in these potential applications. Contacted within the framework of the RUE device, I was able to consider starting new research on this project. »
Amalric Veret: “The advantage of the system is that it allows us to identify directly, and therefore more efficiently, potential partners who share the same vision of development. As a result, we met with Professor Counillon. Our RUE interlocutors then steered the various working meetings, which enabled us to start a process.
The RUE teams also helped me with the administrative procedures. We set up a CIFR grant with the hiring of a doctoral student. This doctoral student’s mission is to consolidate Professor Counillon’s research work in a very specialized field and to ensure the validation and adjustment of our formulas in this same field. We have found in this partnership the pooling of resources, which will allow us to enhance the value of our work in a more accelerated way. The framework provided by the system has also been a vector of acceleration in the setting to music of the academic world and the economic world”.
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